Podcast Conversation Transcript


ai, content, generative, answer, presenting, site, article, search, product, question, gpt, google, paid, data, experience, provide, frustration, existing, order, train


John Paul Mains, Ted Jones

John Paul Mains  00:04

Okay. All right, everybody. We are back today to talk about one of her more fun topics. Of course, AI. We’ve been talking about that a lot lately. Hear me and did? Yeah, it seems to be everybody seems to be talking about it. But there’s so cool. You get to do so many neat things with it. Yeah.

Ted Jones  00:25

But what I, and trying to peel back some of the layers, right, like make it a practical, I think, I think you can, and we’ve talked about this for you can think so far, like what’s gonna happen? You know, we’ve talked her about what’s Google gonna do, you know, with their bread and butter, you know, by presenting you results first. Now,

John Paul Mains  00:46

so, so let’s get a little practical them. So one of the things so there’s a couple of things about normal websites that everybody has that you know that everybody, a lot of people, a lot of companies have that, yeah, I don’t like them, I know that they can help with user engagement. But if we’re talking about growing a business, you have to have things on a website, especially if you got a lot of content, you have to have search. And a lot of companies will do real time chat bots, or, you know, even live chat with a customer service rep or something like that. But well, all these tend to have live chat bots and online search. I don’t know what your experience with these like, is dead. But I know I don’t, I can’t stand to just be bothered.

Ted Jones  01:33

Yeah, you go there, and you think you’re gonna get an answer to your question. And, you know, in most cases, it’s gonna if five operators, it’s just gonna,

John Paul Mains  01:43

yep, just what you do a person get me to person can be to person

Ted Jones  01:48

Yeah, or just put you over to the FAQs or the support section of our website, which exists now. But then again, you know, a lot of the frustration, I think, comes from the people behind it that might have programmed it, and loaded the data that was chatbots, most

John Paul Mains  02:05

chatbots are organized by a person with Yep, here’s the questions. Here’s a common questions I always get here. And so here’s the answers to it. And of course, there’s some automated logic to some of this stuff that they do, but that’s how it’s usually set up. And then there’s the search, okay, if I go on a search on a site, and I search, it’s going to give me a list of links or list of products, my mana product site like Amazon or something like that, saying, Okay, here’s here’s my different things that I think that use try to search for that in order to attempt to answer your question. Google’s the same way. Here, I put in a keyword, it produces me a list of results that might match up to that, if I’m on a news website, and I put something in, it’s going to provide for me the list of articles that are that thinks are relevant to whatever I typed in. Okay. What that does, that forces me, and this is what we’ve all been trained to. This is normal stuff. This is how search works. We go into will click the link doesn’t answer my question. Nope, I click Back button, I go to the next one. I keep doing that until I find the answers that I’m wanting. And if I’m trying to figure out something complex, I’m gonna be going to a bunch of different articles to try and figure out my answer that I was searching for at the end of the day. That’s how we work now. So let’s say you’re in, let’s

Ted Jones  03:30

say, you know, there was like two podcasts ago when we were looking at the Google’s generative experience. That has been really beneficial to me, like, literally, I’ll go the search engine type in and I’m done.

John Paul Mains  03:45

Yeah, you don’t have to go anywhere. Why can’t like why can’t the business take advantage of this? Okay, I’ve got a lot of content on my site as a business. Why could I not take advantage of the same thing? So it’s just a news site? Okay. news sites have lots and lots and lots and lots of content on constantly producing new content. Why can’t I then train my own generative, generative AI platform on here’s all my content, consume it all understand it all. So that, you know if a person then the person comes to my site and searches on something that the AI is actually generating the answer, as opposed to me having to go click, click, click, click, click, click all through the different articles find what I want. Something like this. It could go to the next level on Yeah, yep. Maybe there is a single article, which answers a question my answer has to come from multiple different sources on the website in order to answer the question like, give me the Give, give me the how well this person how well is the governor of what is the governor of Florida Um, for this particular topic over the last five years, yeah, I don’t know, I’d have to go and research a whole bunch of different articles to get that lit unless somebody, of course wrote a specific article on that. Most likely they didn’t. And so generative AI, if it’s trained on all of my content, I could dig in and use it as a research tool, as opposed to the search, which just says, Here’s link one, link two link three link for you do the work yourself. That’s really, really useful.

Ted Jones  05:30

Yeah. And even pointing it to your site. Right. And I think some of the frustrations you may have felt is hitting up against those walls on those chat bots, then that person, on the other end, may have been limited in the content that they’ve had. But AI does expand that those walls a little bit wider, by really presenting those almost custom articles.

John Paul Mains  05:58

Sure. Think about this, like maybe in the IT field. Okay. IT security, you know, there’s a million daily, million zillion different ways of solving the same problem. And there’s a million problems out there from IT security. If you are if you have if you’re a company, and I have a huge library of stuff, why not make it available is that is the material that an AI is generative AI is trained upon? So I can ask my question. And I can get back an answer without clicking through all the different articles or documents to try and find my answer. It’s there. It knows how to answer my question for me,


how big how major would that be? How I mean,

John Paul Mains  06:39

I would probably you could I could foresee somebody paying for access to that kind of a platform in order to get the answers I want to need quickly, without wasting my time searching one article, the next article, the next article, the next article,

Ted Jones  06:52

he may have just uncovered why Google’s probably going to switch their model sometime soon with his AI.

John Paul Mains  07:02

Well, I don’t disagree. I still struggle with Google and Bing on them basically saying, Yeah, I’ll answer your question. You never have to click on another link again. It from a promo that’d be eating into their paid. This is how they make money, be eating to their paid paid, paid ads. But yeah,

Ted Jones  07:23

well, and you know, maybe it does come from the attribution right on where they’re pulling this information from, and crediting the source. You know, so that maybe that paid side of things can still exist in a way, but then you might get into biases in the search results based off of paid ads.

John Paul Mains  07:43

Exactly. And so that in that bias, that’s one of the things here is these, like, open AI, that’s Chet GPT. We know that it did not crawl the entire Internet. We don’t know what sites it did not crawl. And so let’s say I’ve got a, I’ve got a great friend who runs an amazing new service in Arkansas, did it actually index their site, which has decade’s worth of content? I don’t know. But imagine that that site actually had its own generative AI where I could research all the content just on its site. Now, it would be skewed towards content is written there. But you can envision this for pretty much any kind of new site or research site or site that has lots of content, obviously, it would be skewed towards the content in there. Right, it to produce answers back.

Ted Jones  08:36

Yeah, if even if it’s, you know, a pins data that may be outside of its traditional data set, you know, more conversational, you know, because you’re gonna have the same frustration you might run into, you might be trying to ask questions, and you’re just not going to be presented that data, unless it’s actually got some additional inputs, right.

John Paul Mains  09:05

Granted, and that, that kind of brings up a really good point here is, you know, if you’re like, you know, I’m trying to educate about a particular product. So I’m a company that sells a product that’s relatively complex, let’s say it security, whatever it may be, it may be, you know, as it is indexing all your content to try make this available for people to answer questions for people. There is clearly going to be need to be done kind of content gap analysis. You mentioned this earlier, too. If, if you’ve got missing content, it’s going to come to character real quick, using this kind of search engine. If you people can’t get their questions answered. It presents a great opportunity for creating additional content to get people’s questions answered. Which the if there is that missing content now? They’re not getting questions answered now is a great opportunity for filling in the holes on a serving your customer ers.

Ted Jones  10:00

Right? And I think solving your frustration and not just yours, but others frustrations with using these chat bots. And you know, coming to a website and saying, Hey, here’s my question and being presented with kind of a half answer, you know, maybe even that I’d be being generous, a half answers. Some of them are okay, and especially when you’re looking for a specific link on their site. But again, Google’s going to kind of try to stay ahead of that.

John Paul Mains  10:30

Exactly. But if dewpoint I mean, if you can provide a better experience for somebody, we know, these, these generative AI platforms provide a really solid experience, if you if you can provide the date, the content at which it needs in order, and somebody’s answered somebody’s question, it’s gonna be far better than a search, the normal search, which we experienced now, and the chat in the chat apps, which we experienced. Now, that’s a much better experience, if you’ve got the content in order to be able to meet the needs of your audience.

Ted Jones  11:03

Yeah. And I think identifying that content, knowing those gaps is going to be huge, because, you know, filling in the blanks. Now, when someone asks a question, realizing that they’re not getting their answer, ensure that content content is usable.

John Paul Mains  11:20

Exactly, exactly. So if we’re talking about growing and growing a company, I’d see this is a huge opportunity. And there are open source, generative AI tools coming we talked about this previously, llama too is one of them. It has its own issues. But I know that x AI is common. There’s other open source platforms that are coming for this, that we can take in train on our own contents in order to provide all sorts of unique ways of presenting information. But of course, we can tie this into data actually, like physical number number data, in order to provide answers, this is a new, this is brand new stuff, or to be able to find a brand new experience for concern for people searching for information that they just didn’t have access to before. I think it’s just the phenomenal possibilities here surround this old providing contents through these AI machine through generative AI.

Ted Jones  12:19

Yeah, and I think having original content is going to be the place where you shy just because of you know, if you’re not, if you’re just using Jack GPT to create content, I think that’s gonna get stale pretty quick.

John Paul Mains  12:33

Oh, very much. So yeah, cuz that’s just regurgitating content already. Yeah. API’s are they do a good job of writing. But if it’s not original content, and it’s just AI content over and over regurgitated, it’s gonna be? Yeah, you’ve got it’s got to be original. I totally, wholeheartedly agree on that. And that can come from your products, it can come from news, that can be all sorts of different services. We all have great content in order to be able to do something unique and interesting with for people who search on get their questions answered.

Ted Jones  13:02

Yeah. Well, especially around products and services, right. And yeah, like, my personal experience this week has been looking for a new router, right? And, you know, you’re always getting the top routers, according to so and so for 2020. You know, everybody’s in the mist. And I’m starting to read these with skepticism. And sure. And like, is this real? Like, do I trust this product? Or is this just regurgitated from some other existing source? And that’s existed for a while, even, even prior to AI? People are always kind of lifting and shifting other people’s content, but AI seems to be putting that question in my head now.

John Paul Mains  13:49

Interesting. Yeah. I mean, we fit into that point. I mean, yep. All right, my little Chet AI assistant, please go out there and pull all the reviews on these different products and tell me which one’s the best. Yeah, why not? It makes an awful lot of sense. Because yeah, usually I trust other reviewers. Usually. Not all the time. But usually,

Ted Jones  14:11

those aggregated reviews were five different routers in one review. And it’s like, I don’t know about that.

John Paul Mains  14:21

Perfect. All right. Well, I can think that’s it for today, unless you got anything else to throw out there.

Ted Jones  14:27

I mean, yeah, original content, you know, or existing content that helps your product or service.

John Paul Mains  14:33

Yeah. And then being able to train and AI on your information. In order to help people get their answers their questions answered a whole lot easier than just, here’s a link. Here’s the link. Here’s a link. Alright, better experience means more growth, and happier customers at the end of the day, so Yeah, awesome. All right, everybody, appreciate it. Be sure to follow us here. Follow us on YouTube. Follow us wherever you can see your content. We really appreciate you checking us out and listening to what we have to say.

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