Conversation Transcript

John Paul Mains  00:00

Hey, y’all. I’m John Paul mains, we’ve got Ted Jones here. And we are going to talk today about something that just came out of Google IO called Project Magi. And the ramifications of this are really interesting. It’s I don’t know a lot about it yet. But basically listening to what they have to say, with all their little ai ai ai at this conference, it sounds like they’re moving a little more towards the slight side of evil again, and kind of given the finger to businesses. So we’re gonna talk about what the what we know. And obviously, we’ll see what Google ends up doing with it. Because as we know, they kill a lot of their projects out there. So this is what they do. Ted Jones, you will say that for you. So cool. All right, Ted. Yep. This was an interesting thing that came out this week. The way I understand it is kind of like everybody else in the world. They’re embracing this generative AI. And they’ve seen what’s going on with chat GPT. And its ability to produce results when you give it a question. So their idea is they’re going to looking at possibly modifying how search works. All along. As we’ve seen more and more the, over the years, they’ve tried to do different things like show menus, get their maps and get everybody they want people to stay on Google it or they want you to pay as a business. They want the businesses to pay to click to go to their website. That’s how they make money. Well, this new project Magi seems to be just taking it a whole step further by a Yeah, what is the best pizza restaurant in Tampa? That’s where I’m at. And it would literally as opposed to giving links out the way it sounds like it would answer your question for you here. Here’s the description. And yeah, it might give you some links at the best places. Or if you’ve got a you know, how do I do? Whatever, I literally give you the answer right there and pull that information from different websites. And maybe they’ve talking about showing where they got the results from. But who’s gonna go to the results if you’ve already got the answer? Right. So,

Ted Jones  02:27

right, and I think chat GPT. If you look at an event, it’d be I know you’ve played around with it. But if you played around with it, it really is this kind of conversational view where you can just continue on down this topic of talking with shad GBT building on the same topic where it references the previous information in that topic where, you know, with Google, you know, they’re trying to continue to try and keep you in that, you know, realm then, yeah, I could see them doing the same thing of just saying, oh, yeah, well, here what, here’s some ideas based off these reviews. Now, you might like this one, or based off your preference. Then never even go to the person’s website or that company’s website.

John Paul Mains  03:14

Right. Yep. I mean, we know that chat, GBT. It’s indexed up to a certain point in time, even GPT for it doesn’t have the entire web. But Google, my assumption is that pretty much Google’s got everybody’s website, and even historical stuff. That doesn’t even exist on the web anymore. I mean, how’s this thing going to work? I mean, again, I get my answer, I have no need to actually visit a business website, unless it’s like, oh, yeah, I’m specifically looking for a plumber in my area, give me their contact information. And again, if he if he answers it, there’s no point in going to the website. Is there?

Ted Jones  03:52

Right? Well, I’m, you know, you just had me kind of envisioning an odd thing where you’ve got the voice assistants now. And, you know, that have been kind of proliferated, percolating, whether it’s Amazon or Google’s. And, you know, I’ve seen people on Twitter where they’re actually taking the API’s and connecting with chat GBT and making it be a voice assistant. So it actually gives you back real time data. So I know you’re thinking of, you know, I type this in and, you know, give me a website, but it’s websites, even the end goal, right? Yeah.

John Paul Mains  04:34

Why not? You know, if why not just create, like a big jank. It’s like, what’s the point of having a website and you might as well just have like, Okay, here’s a big document repository website, and I’ve got all my content that’s unique to the stuff that I know. But if Google’s not going to send anybody there, let’s just let’s just let them index.

Ted Jones  04:53

Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, that’s what we do today, right? I mean, we’re putting trying to make our webs sites optimized for them in most cases. So why wouldn’t we do the same for? For their? Their chat or their mat Magi? I think I’m saying that right. Your project

John Paul Mains  05:13

manager? That’s yeah. Look at it. From a business. That sounds scary to me. I mean, from a user perspective, may have sounds, at least some of his done right. It sounds great. Give me the way. I don’t have to go go any further than that. But for a business?

Ted Jones  05:34

Yeah. And you know, from a user perspective, the path of least resistance getting information to you faster from the business, and maybe that’s where, you know, I think you mentioned it just there from an SEO perspective, or search engine marketing, you know, where Google is even making money. Based off those business listings, you know, is it going to change? If it’s conversational? Are they gonna reference where they get this information from?

John Paul Mains  06:05

I would assume, otherwise, it’s gonna be like, I’ve already seen like plagiarism lawsuits coming out because of chat GPT, I’ve seen content taken down because because AI generated a song, they’ve taken it down. Oh, no, you can’t do that. Well, what’s gonna happen here? Who knows? If they don’t, this is where I think regulations get come in on what what’s allowable in order to protect the business and in order to protect the consumer? I mean, how does Google going to decide? Oh, yeah, that’s the right answer, or that’s the wrong answer. aggregating all this stuff together? I don’t know. Obviously, they’re a lot smarter. And I guess the AI bots are going to be way smarter than we all are. So these new AI bots,

Ted Jones  06:54

I think we should append every email web page and tweet everything with what we want to train AI. So we’ll just make sure we can all agree on the same thing here.

John Paul Mains  07:11

This also kind of begs the question is, you know, if they’re able to do this, it decreases my traffic to my website. I’ve got great content that decreases the traffic to my website. I’ve already tried to pay Google to drive traffic to my website, because zillion other competitors out there. But what’s going to happen to this if they if they provide the answer right then and there. What’s going on? I would think that this would kind of take a big chunk out of their out of their advertising revenue, which they’re generating. Because I don’t need to go anywhere. Your Google gave me the answer. So why should? Why should I if Google’s gonna give the answer? Why should I as a business even pay for it for for trying to drive traffic on my way? I’m assuming they’ve kind of figured this out. Because it’s their cash cow. Yeah, right, Google, I got to see this stuff. This is the cash cow. And so you think it’s going to dig into that revenue stream?

Ted Jones  08:07

But you brought up? Yeah, you brought up a good point, you pay them to bring traffic back to your website? You know, are they still going to do that? I still got to send people my way. Or do I really need to become an authority on the topic that’s relevant to me, you know, especially with chat, GBT that can generate content, if everyone’s starting to generate content around a similar topic. Who actually like you said, lawsuits copyright who actually has the authority on that content?

John Paul Mains  08:49

I’m thinking through a scenario here where I’m okay. That’s all of us marketers and content writers. We’re all using AI to generate our content with minor edits. And so basically, it’s aI grabbing all the AI content and showing it all to us. And so is is the entire world become AI content and nobody’s writing? You think unique anymore. I mean,

Ted Jones  09:13

that’s interesting, like, does the written word on the web, just kind of start blending all together? I mean, if project Magi or chat GBD is just an aggregator of just anything you can think of, then, yeah, where does everything else go?

John Paul Mains  09:35

I’d love to see the regulation of you know, full disclosure, some kind of full disclosure, this was written 75% by an AI and 25%. And it’ll well i human or something along those lines. So we

Ted Jones  09:50

call sources where where’s the source is coming from?

John Paul Mains  09:55

Yeah, exactly, that it’s pulling from multiple places in order to generate that event. information so, but if it’s pulling, if we’re using AI to generate the content for, like my spoken, I mean marketing. Okay, there’s lots of or let’s let’s just pick on SEO. Okay. I’ve written many SEO articles, and so have a zillion other companies. So what, where’s Google gonna go? Well guess Where’s Google or AI? AI is going to pull all this content from? And if we’re, if we’re using AI is now to generate this content. And it’s constantly regurgitating and learning from the everything’s bubbled up because of AI itself. Yeah. I mean, what does that doing for the quality of content and the quality of what we’re actually getting? How does these how do these AI engines then produce good results? Or, in this case, Google,

Ted Jones  10:51

how maybe at the end of the day, maybe at the end of your chat, GBT query is a long list of citations, with links to where was all pulled from?

John Paul Mains  11:06

So I guess I don’t know. But does anybody click on those citations? I mean, if you go to Wikipedia, are you going down and clicking on the citations from? Yeah, you’re getting the credit for it. But is it driving traffic for you? No.

Ted Jones  11:23

But that’s interesting. Wikipedia is almost I don’t know, rudimentary version of that, where it’s just all crowd sourced content of people just bringing information, you can always see edits, you know, you can look at the change log of any Wikipedia page and see who’s made changes to it. Is that what becomes of these AI assistants as they, you know, need to disclose now, how they’re pulling this together, or, you know, I know if you’ve asked chat, GBT any specific questions, a lot of times it has a, a little disclaimer that says it’s only a language model. Right? Right. I mean,

John Paul Mains  12:11

no puts out anyway.

Ted Jones  12:13

Yeah, so answers your question. But as an AI language model, I really can’t answer that. Yeah, but maybe if you asked me in a different way, I’ll answer it.

John Paul Mains  12:27

Well, obviously, we have no idea what Google’s gonna do with this project Magi stuff. Obviously, time will tell I figure that they’ve got I know that. I think they’ve got a pretty sizable army of engineers working on this. So something is coming. They’ve had a lot of projects come and go like Google Glasses, for instance.

Ted Jones  12:48

Like glasses, forgot about those.

John Paul Mains  12:51

But it’ll be interesting to see what they do with this. And so we got to keep an eye on it as a as businesses, we’re going to have to keep an eye on what they’re doing here. Because it’s going to have pretty major repercussions on how people find your business in the future. What we have to do about it as a business, how’s Google, Google’s gonna make us adapt in some form or fashion takes off? So I don’t know

Ted Jones  13:15

when it’s going to affect web traffic flow, where it goes and how often you get it?

John Paul Mains  13:20

definitely will. All right, so we’ll keep you abreast if any we hear anything on this. But obviously, yeah, follow us over on click laboratory or wherever you’re watching this video. We’d love a few additional followers, of course, that are a couple that we have right now. But thank you for watching, and we will have we’ll keep talking about more AI and FTAs. Anything is going to be about growing your business.

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