Conversation Transcript

John Paul Mains  00:00

Alright everybody, we are live against day to talk about things going to help grow your business. And today on our little episode we are going to focus in is AI actually going for your business? You know, obviously, there’s been a lot of things coming out with AI and AI is just too much to even keep up with Baraka, me and Ted are here today to talk about things that we have literally done ourselves using a I want to address, how can you use it now to grow in your business?

Ted Jones  00:31

And I think you hit it on the head with how fast everything’s moving?

John Paul Mains  00:34

Oh, it’s crazy. I am seeing new apps come out almost seems like almost on a daily basis. Right now. I just it’s no keeping up with this. And so the type of so obviously, there’s lots of types of AI and what we’re talking about here, specifically generative ai, ai, which is capable of creating something or enhancing something. So if you ask it a question, it can create the answer for you based off its own knowledge that it has collected over time, or a video or in a brand new image or enhancing an image. Now we’ve are seen this symbol with some of the political candidates coming up. They’re already doing these fake videos that they’re throwing out there. And this is kind of bonkers, that we’re already seeing this stuff, and we’re barely into the season. But it gets we’re not politics, we’re here to talk about business and how you can use this stuff. And one of the one of the sites that I worked on here recently was for a doctor’s office, a general practitioner, it’s really hard to get good content out of doctors.

Ted Jones  01:37

It’s hard to get good content out of anyone that’s not a writer.

John Paul Mains  01:41

Probably true. It actually does. That’s very true. Yeah, it’s one of the slowest when you’re just creating a marketing website. It’s one of the slowest parts of it. Yeah, I can create, you can create designs really quick. These days. Good ones, but the content itself or the content is terrible. The site’s gonna be terrible. And most people, yeah, they don’t like writing. Don’t make me right. I don’t want to do this. And so it just drags on and on and on. They’ve got to go internally. And so this is the right thing to say, is that the right thing to say? So it’s challenging. And usually it will drag out a project extra months or weeks or months, at the very least. Yeah, not fun. Especially the customer. What’s the I need to get this website up and running? I need changes. I need a new website or whatever it may be. Okay, yeah. Well, we can get all the technical aspects for it, but trying to work on the messaging. Yeah, that’s the hard

Ted Jones  02:40

part. Really, especially not being the expert in a specific field, like, medical field. Yep. As an agency, you know, being able to write something that could work.

John Paul Mains  02:52

Yep, you got it. Now I’ve done I’ve done several Doctor websites before, but there’s always there’s so much stuff out there in the medical space and like, okay, yeah, I’m not really sure what that particular expertise is, I gotta go research it and figure it out in order to write a good message around it. And usually, it’s where you end up. If the doctor when they’re working with them directly. Like with a small practice, they’ll usually say, okay, yeah, I’m going to hand this off to my administrative assistant to go create it for you. Okay, sometimes that’s a good thing. It can be good if they if they enjoy that kind of stuff. But usually the doctor is trying to usually dumping all sorts of stuff on their on administrative assistants and their admins and what have you do and it’s just overwhelming to them. So but in this case, what can it help you grow your business? So what I ended up doing is this doctor particular doc for this general practitioner, they needed to get a website up and quick, this was a brand new general practitioner. And so in, they needed to get something up fast. I guess, what ended up happening is they couldn’t didn’t have time to create the content. Doctors are busy. And so we’re like, okay, you know, what are your specialty areas? Okay, got those all nailed down in just went over to chat? GPD. So I did sign up. I am signed up for the paid version of GPT, which is expensive. But and when there’s like, okay, yeah. Explain to me what this is, is some of those areas of like, I don’t really know what that is. And so GPD tell me, okay, Greg got some contents, opening paragraphs, right in total GPD. Right, in such a way that it’s marketing friendly, that somebody who is to help somebody who doesn’t know what it is, like me understand what it is. Okay. Give me a title. For this section. I have several cases like, okay, it didn’t let you have written a zillion titles in my lifetime. So it’s like, okay, I didn’t like that. If I typed it in, and it gave me a towel back. I was like, yeah, that’s not quite right. And so I ended up saying, Oh, just give me 10. Can you tell? I was like, Oh, yeah. Hey, I like that one. We get a little bit it’s a little bit long, or wasn’t using the right kind of wording that I wanted. But it was like, that’s pretty close. Put it up there. I was like, Okay, this this is fantastic. This is this is actually it was saving me tons and tons of time of me just going to websites to research what it is. Sit down, figure out a bunch of titles, figure out how I’m gonna write this thing where this was able to, in this case, get something cranked up quickly, which is what this specific and so I was I was able to shave probably weeks off this thing of waiting for the doctor who produced the content I created for put it in front of him. He says is this good? Yes. Yeah, fantastic. Is it the world’s best contents? No, of course not needed a quick, not perfect, but it works. It reads easy. I was able to of course, I didn’t just copy paste actually modified it. But it saves a lot of time, it saved me a lot of time, save the customer time. It was saved saved him the time to put it together the frustration, save me the time because I was able to get a quick app faster. And it’s literally shaved off a lot of effort on getting brand new content up and running. Yeah, definitely. No, I wouldn’t use it for writing a huge long blog post or something along those lines. But for creating ideas real fast. I mean, it’s it’s a time saver without doubts. I think that this particular website would have taken an extra couple of weeks of back and forth with the customer on trying to get what they needed in the gym. Because in this case, they’re not trying to be the best doctor site in the world. I want to rule the world. I want to rank number top 344 general practitioner, they’re not trying to do that. They’ve just got a website that works for their, for people in their area.

Ted Jones  06:51

Yep, something informative, and just something that gets them in the door.

John Paul Mains  06:57

Yeah. And so we’re talking about growth. I mean, if time is money, then it saves a lot of time, and it’s well above average.

Ted Jones  07:04

Yeah. And I like, you know, from my, from my experience, I like limiting it, you know, saying, you know, give me titles, Max 10 words, or you can actually kind of limit it and keep it to a concise frame of words, which is nice. You mentioned, you know, not writing it for a blog post, but taking that content and being able, like tone of voice like, there’s now you know, you prompt and say, Hey, I’m talking to you, as someone with, you know, this type of knowledge, you know, this type of voice, and it will give you those types of content and that voice.

John Paul Mains  07:44

Oh, like every keeps saying that scary. It’s really good.

Ted Jones  07:48

You mentioned it earlier about, you know, the doctor handing it off to his assistant. But I think what AI generative AI is coming to me as an assistant, you know, using it to, you know, help you not so much replace things. And I know there’s lots of talk about replacing, but I think being that person that can use it as a tool,

John Paul Mains  08:14

right? Oh, yeah, absolutely. It’s a great tool. And that’s it, it has to be a tool, you have to learn how to use it. If you’re terrible at writing, if you are terrible writing content, but you’re the only person to write content, guess what generative AI is going to, is going to be like huge for you.

Ted Jones  08:32

If you are great. And if you are a great writer, you know it? It’s still a tool box of accessory where it’s not going to write your content, but maybe you can generate the ideas for the contacts and using it

John Paul Mains  08:47

for research. It’s like, Okay, explain to me, whatever, blah, blah, blah, is, and it is fantastic. I mean, it’s knowledge base is enormous. And so it’s fantastic at getting stuff. So they don’t have to go to this website and this website and this website and this website in order to understand the principle. He can spit it out for me. Yeah, yeah, obviously, you’re not we’re not trying to learn how to build a rocket or something like that, even though a bit if you ask it, how do you build a rocket? It will probably tell you, but

Ted Jones  09:14

you know, that’s it almost feels like you know, early cert web surfing days. But you know, it is very conversational. And I think, you know, if you ask it a question, you can always have it modify right then and there. Like, hey, I don’t I don’t really like that. Oh, it’ll even apologize to you. I mean,

John Paul Mains  09:35

I’m free to do that. Yes.

Ted Jones  09:37

Oh, sorry. Let me fix that for you

John Paul Mains  09:41

is we’ve been playing with this on some of them like I’ve been going back. So my legacy blog posts that I’ve written and taught back in the past that I don’t have a whole lot of activity going on anymore. You shouldn’t be clearing out blog posts that don’t do anything. But I ran this kind of the test. I was like, I have an article on what is martec marketing technology and I skip the occasional visit on it occasionally, I’m not trying to rank high for it or anything like that. But I went back and look, I’m going to run this as a test. And I created a whole bunch of new content. Yes, this article was like seven years old. And just, you know, using GPT, I went and asked the right questions, and got that responses modified that and stuck it back out there. My legacy blog post didn’t change the URL or anything, I just added it to the blog post updated for 2023. I was like, Okay, this is good, good, additional content. Now, I didn’t it? Well, it didn’t take me from like ranking from really low up into the top 10. But what ended up happening is that I ended up ranking for a whole bunch of new keywords, which I had not before, which ultimately helps me on that kind of what is martec term on ranking that higher. And so that actually pushed up? So I saw when I looked at Google Search Console, all sudden, I’m getting a whole lot of additional searches image showing up a whole bunch of additional searches I’ve never shown up for before. And so from an SEO perspective, at least for now, I don’t know about the long term. But for right now, it does seem that doing the right things with your content, it does seem to help out on creating good content.

Ted Jones  11:16

For now. I think we talked last time for now. We talked about that last time, where okay, what’s the purpose of the site then?

John Paul Mains  11:28

Right, the same thing with an amazing generative AI, everybody’s sights can suddenly be the same. So you’ve got writing your own content. So yeah, I think that there is a window right now of being it being a boost to what you’re doing as far as attracting an audience. Long term, long term, we’ll have to wait and see. It’s just impossible to snatch truth. I mean, I can make all sorts of guesses, but I’ll be wrong.

Ted Jones  11:52

Wow. And, you know, like, we started not believing everything you see, it’s not just written word. It’s visuals. And, you know, the creation of, of anything visual, you know, we were just talking about writing, but you mentioned a website, there’s coding, you know, and there’s video. Ai video production that’s happening now. Yeah,

John Paul Mains  12:17

it’s getting good. It’s not perfect, but it’s rapidly rapidly improving. It’s scary how fast it’s improving. So yeah. Yes, hold on,

Ted Jones  12:32

we’re fine. Find a way to use in your day to day workflow, by actually letting it be an assistant. And I know, you pay for the version, but you don’t have to. I mean, I use the free version. I go on there every day. And type some things I’ve done it for itineraries, you know, bulleted points, there’s things that it’ll just go down and create. Its formatted text for you even

John Paul Mains  12:58

is a very helpful tool right now. So from a business perspective, is it good for your company growth? Yes, I mean, from both an SEO standpoint, generating new content, generating ideas, doing research, it can help grow your business. Use it as part of your processes, learn how to Deputy if you’re not learning this stuff, you’re going to be left behind. That is the one thing I do guarantee of this, if you’re not learning it now. Can be playing a lot of catch up in the future, it’s going to be painful, because everybody is using this stuff now.

Ted Jones  13:32

Yeah. And I think as as it gets, it’s gonna get put in front of you in more places, like of all people, and I know why. But Microsoft in the Edge browser. Their search now is integrated with chat, GBT. And you know, they’re like, big investor in the company. But they have both text and images that you can do inside edge browser, which from from a personal perspective, I’d never thought I’d use Microsoft Edge browser again. But now I’ve got it open every now and then and playing with some of the new tools they’re adding in there. But that toolset is going to continue to get expanded with this functionality even Photoshop, right just within the last week Photoshop being able to add generative fill to their their plot their software. Absolutely. That’s just your tool sets are just going to keep getting enhanced by this.

John Paul Mains  14:33

They are they are so pay attention to it. Cool. All right. Well, that’s the end of our episode today. Yep, of course, wherever you’re watching this, wherever you consuming this, please be sure to follow, subscribe, whatever it is on the platform, we’re all getting on all sorts of different ones that are out there. So if you enjoyed this stuff, share it with your friends, keep following us. We’ll keep talking about issues that are going to help you grow your business. Alright guys, thanks.


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